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We are Newly Renovated!

Our renovation is done and we are excited to welcome you to the newly renovated Animal Care Clinic!

Why Did We Renovate?

We have been planning to expand the number of exam rooms in the clinic for a couple of years to be able to see pets with less waiting. However with COVID-19, we realized that that clients would appreciate not being close together in reception while waiting for an exam to become free, so we decided to renovate sooner than planned.

We’re glad that we did and we hope that you like it too!

What Did We Renovate?

We renovated the reception area and exam rooms.

More Exam Rooms

By reducing the size of our outlandishly oversized reception, we were able to increase our number of exam rooms from 2 exams to 6 (!) and also make the reception area much more functional and inviting.

No Waiting Room(!)

By increasing the number of exam rooms, we have eliminated the waiting room. You and your pet are escorted directly to one of our comfortable, private exam rooms where you can relax without the stress of other pets.

Better Flow and Less Waiting

We are also added veterinary and team member work stations closer to the exam rooms, so there is a better workflow for our team, which translates into less waiting for our clients ๐Ÿ™‚

Can I See the Difference?

Sure! We have posted pictures taken as we went. We have also created a pre-renovation tour video and a post-renovation tour video! (Right below.)

Let’s See It!


Photos: Reception Time Lapse


Just about to start

Bye-bye old exam rooms!

New exam rooms (just studs with orange scaffold in foreground)

Drywall is in!

Cabinetry and new reception desk being built

Almost there!

Done! (Say hello to our new fishy friends) ๐Ÿ™‚